Esteem Designz Program is only to be run using the genuine Girl’s Resource Kits.
These are not an addition to the program but the core tool of the program and must be used if the program is run.
The instructions booklets are copyright and may not be copied and used separately to the kits – they come in a complete package, one for each girl participating in the program.

The Reflective Journal, Clue Cards and Encouragement Cards are also copyright and cannot be duplicated – these are only available as part of the full package of the program included in the Girl’s Resource Kits.
To run the program without purchasing the Girl’s Resource Kits is a violation of Intellectual Property and Copyright.


In purchasing the kits you are not only paying for the materials and key tools but for the right to use the templates, instructions and Design Projects themselves, which are the pivotal components of the girls’ development through Esteem Designz Program.


The goal in producing these kits has been to enable as many girls as possible to benefit from this program. In the development process it became clear that the most economical way for organisations to acquire the materials and journals etc was through pre-prepared kits.
The majority of the costs for the Girl’s Resource Kits are in the journal, cards and instructions booklet. To sell these items separately would almost cost as much as the kits in their entirety. Having all the resources required in each kit also saves the participating organisations time and money.


The Girl’s Resource Kits have been carefully created to really value the girls with high quality materials and designs to help the girls feel important and worthy of something special. The kits help engage the girls in the full experience of the program, helping them learn through the entire process, encouraging them with tools for life.


We understand the costs of the kits can be a barrier to the use of the program, which is why we have listed many fundraising ideas on the website.
The Bible studies are also protected by copyright and designed for each girl to have their own copy to work through. It’s created to be a personal, reflective journal that engages girls in practical activities.


Thank you . . .

For understanding and respecting the legal and ethical issues of running Esteem Designz Program without the Girl’s Resource Kits.


We hope to work with you to run Esteem Designz Program as it has been designed – to help girls create value, confidence, worth and self-respect.